Gravity Stands LTS01B Laptop Stand

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LTS 01 B

Designed and engineered in Germany, the Gravity LTS01B securely holds your beloved DJ gear with maximum reliability. The super lightweight aluminium construction folds to extremely compact transport dimensions so you’ll hardly notice it’s in your backpack.

?Remarkable stability and non-slip rubberized pads make this Gravity laptop stand a highly dependable, rock-steady companion – and with all the adjustment options, you are in full control with its flexibility. We know you love your gear, so go for the rock-steady choice!

Gravity GLTS01B Features:

Folding laptop stand for all formats from 12" to 17".
Also suitable for controllers such as Launchpad, Maschine or Push.
Extremely robust, stable and lightweight aluminium construction.
Height adjustable tray for interfaces and accessories.
Smooth and rapid set up with continuous shelf and base angle adjustment. Independent for top and bottom.
Folds flat in seconds for easy and compact transportation.
Rubber protectors. No scratches, no slipping
Detachable foot for space saving installation.
Table mounting clamp included.


3 – 7 business days for delivery to metro locations. 7 – 10 business days to regional locations including WA, QLD and NT 4 to 7 business days for delivery to metro locations. 7 to 10 business days to regional locations including WA, QLD and NT. 

Free delivery on orders $99 and over. 

Express* $12.95 Delivery will occur between 9am – 5pm the next business day when you place an order before 12pm AEST

Return Policies

If you want to return or exchange your purchase, please know that the time period begins the day you receive your product and applies to new, clearance, open-box, refurbished and pre-owned products. This policy applies to purchases from Best Buy, Best Buy Outlet, Pacific Sales, Pacific Sales® Outlet, Magnolia® Design Center, Best Buy Education and Best Buy Business

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